comes with the job…
Sometimes, when you are in the spotlight, you can be caught when you are not at your best. The same thing applies to life on your website. There will be times, when you will put things online and for whatever reason, it doesn’t appear the way that you thought it would. Say for instance, you roll out some articles for the blog, new updates for social media or some documentation for a product or service. You put the new content online and here comes the feedback. There are misspellings, some grammar was incorrect or some information just doesn’t even remotely convey as you intended. Yes, we’ve all had those days and will continue to. It’s part of the job and it comes with the territory. It is one of the privileges of life online and managing website content. I’m sure that as you read this, you may be able to spot some missspellings’, confusing language (are you confused yet) and some other stuff that just plain ol’ ain’t right… and you know what? You are probably right. #lol